HI! The African Wild Donkey is endangered and I will tell you why. The African Donkey lives in Africa of course. They say it is one of the rarest animals on the planet. They can weigh about 605 pounds. The females in the wild usually give birth every 2 years. The animals can live approximately of 40 years. They live close to the Red Sea. The can have 1 young at birth. It was endangered because of loss of habitat and hunted a lot! Well enjoy
Thursday, March 31, 2011
African Wild Donkey
Friday, March 25, 2011
Hi! I am here to talk about facts about gold. The first one is that gold is like the highest medal. The next one is gold has been discovered on every Continent on Earth! The next one is one cubic foot of gold weighs half a ton. The second last one is the old Olympic gold medals used to be made entirely from gold! The last one is most gold can be edible! One more is that in 2008 one ounce of gold was worth 1,000 dollars each. Now down below is some true or false questions when you read this and you answer the questions comment and number the answers please!!!!!
- Gold is the last highest medal. True or False _________________
- Does one cubic foot of gold weigh half a ton? True or False_____________________
- Gold wasn't discovered on South America. True or False____________________
- Only half of the old Olympic medals were made from gold. True or False_______________
- Gold can be edible. True or False_________________
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Just Dance 2!
Hey guys! I have the game Just Dance 2. Oh yeah I forgot to mention it was a game!! Well yeah it is one. It has the song girlfriend on it and it is my favorite dance on there. The picture down there is the case of it. The reason we got it is because my sister came home one night and said mom we have to get Just Dance 2!! My mom thought about it and she said sure and I was at my dad's when this all happened. I came home and I saw my sisters dancing to it. I said is this ours? My sisters said what do you think???? So that night I started playing it and I loved it ever since! So that is why I love it and always play it! Well I got to go now or as people know it G2G! Well anyways G2G! BYE!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
HI! In guided reading we are reading this book. The first thing is that Mrs. Frisby leaves Teresa with Timothy while she goes and gets food. When they are searching for food Timothy is burning up and when Mrs. Frisby gets home they find out he has pneumonia. Mrs. Frisby goes and sees Mr. Ages and she gets some medicine from him and then goes home and when she is walking home she sees a crow stuck in the fence. She helps him and he helps her go home. He flies her back to her hole. He does that because there there is a cat that's name is dragon. That cat has killed her husband and you know that cats eat mice. When she gets home she hears the tractor and that means it's moving day! She has to think of a solution that can keep Timothy alive and move to a new place so she goes and asks Jeremy the crow to help. He says to go and talk to the owl that lives in the forest. She goes there and he says to talk to the rats of NIMH. Well there it is! I got to go. BYE!!!
American Paint Horse
A guy named Hernando Cortes brought horses with him to help search The New Land for riches. They came here on a boat with Hernando Cortes and some other people. They are used by, helping people farm and just to have! I wish I could have a horse. My friend has one of these horses! Well thanks for talking to me but I got to go! BYE!!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
My Strange Spring Time Event

The End!
The Civil War
The Civil War started when the North States and the South States were arguing. The top reasons were the States Rights and Slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the president at the time. The South States wanted slavery and the North did not. Most of the battles took place in Virgina and Pennsylvania. The South States called themselves The Confederate States and the North States called themselves The Union. In the end the North States won. BYE!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Here are some facts about Wisconsin.
- The capitol of Wisconsin is Madison.
- The state flower is the Wood Violet flower.
- The state tree is the Sugar Maple tree.
- The population there is about 5,037,928.
- When it was made it was the 30th state in the U.S.
- The state bird there is the robin.
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