Wednesday, December 22, 2010
HI!!!!!!!!! In science today we talked about Mars and I thought I should blog about it! First, the ground on Mars is red! I wish we had red ground!!! Next, Mars has two moons. Another word for moon is a satellite! A satellite is an object that goes around another object. Third, Mars have high winds that cause dust storms and dust storms cause the seasons. I am glad that I don't live on Mars and speaking of living on Mars, Mars has no oxygen so how could I live there? Fourth, Mars has a volcano and canyons that are bigger than Earth's. Last, Mars has a thin atmosphere. Today we read this in groups and the people in my group were Lexi and Tanner. Lexi in my group is blogging about space so if you read this and you want to learn more about planets go to Nobody really has looked at her blog and she has some really cool things about space so check her blog out! Also another website you can go to is You can watch videos and look at pictures and stuff and maybe facts! If you look at my blog pretty soon I will be blogging about another planet or planets! My best friend Taylor Mohr likes the planet Mars and below I have a blog about her so there are some things about her and yeah! No astronauts have been on Mars but they will sometime! Last year in 3rd grade we were reading Scholastic News and it was talking about how they are making a flight up to space for little kids but it would be really expensive but still it would be cool to go up in space instead of training for like 4 years so yeah. When I get older and I am rich I will let kids do that and if I say mabey they will probably keep asking and stuff but whatever!!!! Well Byebye!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Mickey Mouse
Okay. They have Mickey Mouse hamburgers shaped like his head! They also have pizzas shaped like that. I should look that up and see where I can buy them Because they look cool !!!!! Well, Bye!
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pizza is awesome Snowflakes are falling
It is my favorite food That is the best time to play
I like cheese the best! We will play right now!
Carmel Math
Carmel comes from plants I like math a lot
It can be really sticky It helps you to get smarter
It is a light brown! I think I am good!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hey everybody!!!!!!! I know a girl and she is so awesome and that girl is Meredith Miller!!!!! She has blond hair, she is really pretty, and she is awesome! Well she is my bff and thats all! She also wears a headband alot! She wears uggs, north face stuff! Byebye!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I think tornadoes are sometimes scary but not always. My grandma and grandpa live on a farm, and when there was a tornado they could it see it from their basement window. When there is a tornado we put two couches together and a mattress over top. We go under there, and we bring my dog too. We do that in our basement. One time I was sick and I threw up, and right when I got my parents the tornado sirens went off. So we ran downstairs! Another story is that there was a tornado on the night before we went to Okoboji and we were worried that we wouldn't get to go! Here is a website you can go to for facts about them. Well Bye bye!!!!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Ke$ha and Matty B :)

Monday, November 22, 2010
Hi! Thanksgiving is a fun holiday! Thanksgiving means to me that you get with your family (usually) and eat really good food like turkey,pie,and some other good things. I am thankful for my awesome family, friends, and food.
This year Thanksgiving is at my house for my mom's side. I do not know where my dad's side Thanksgiving is or if we are even having one. My favorite food on Thanksgiving is chocolate pie and other things are turkey, Oreo pie, pumpkin pie, and grapes. My great grandma makes the BEST cake ever!!!!!!!!!!! Last year Thanksgiving was at my mom's aunt's house. When Thanksgiving comes I am so ready for Christmas! Well, bye and have fun on Thanksgiving and be thankful for what you have.
This year Thanksgiving is at my house for my mom's side. I do not know where my dad's side Thanksgiving is or if we are even having one. My favorite food on Thanksgiving is chocolate pie and other things are turkey, Oreo pie, pumpkin pie, and grapes. My great grandma makes the BEST cake ever!!!!!!!!!!! Last year Thanksgiving was at my mom's aunt's house. When Thanksgiving comes I am so ready for Christmas! Well, bye and have fun on Thanksgiving and be thankful for what you have.
Adam Lambert!!!!!!!
HI! Do you know Adam Lambert? He is a singer that I think is really good! He was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He was never on broad way!!!!! He is 6'1 and that is six foot and one inch. He started singing at 10 years old. He is 28 and I am pretty sure. His albums are For Your Entertainment and Take one. My favorite song by him is "If I Had You" but in the video it is scary. He was raised in Rancho Penquitos, California. His top 5 songs are "Whataya Want From Me?",
Monday, November 15, 2010
Michael Jackson!!!!!!
Hi! Do you know that Michael Jackson had surgery A LOT of times? He also died by a drug overdose. He was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29,1959. he performed the moon walk in a premiere of Billie Jean. Michael Jackson was so popular he even had a nickname thing that was called The King Of Pop. the craziest thing about Michael Jackson was that he had surgery on his eyelids. That would hurt! All of his kids are adopted. Well Bye!
Michael Jackson - Thriller
The blog is up top since the video would not go with the blog!!!!!! Enjoy the video!!!!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Elephants! :)
- Here are some facts about elephants.
- Elephants live in groups called herds.
- The leader of the herd is a female and the female is called a matriarch.
- A young male stays with his family till he is 14 or 15 years old.
- Elephants are plant eaters so they only eat plants.
- A full grown African American is 10,000 pounds.
- A full grown elephant has five to six foot ears.
- A trunk is used to breathe, spray things, feel things, and a couple of other things.
- Elephants get into mud and water. They get washed off by spraying water on them and when they get hot they do the same thing.
- Elephants can live for 80 years.
- Elephants talk by tummy rumbles and trumpeting.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am Carly and I am going to talk about swings. Some people say they are the funnest things at the park or in your backyard. That is why they are called swing sets I think. Swings follow very unusual patterns. swings are good examples of pendulums. Pendulums can be found in many clocks because they measure the passage of time. Well they are fun I think. Don't you think they are fun? Well if you do comment saying fun! Well BYEBYE!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Taylor Mohr
Hi! You are probably wondering why I am blogging about Taylor Mohr. Well it is because she is my best friend and she is okay with it. I will tell you some things about her. She is nice to everybody, she loves to eat pizza, her favorite animal is the horse, she has two brothers and their names are Justin and Jared. Her parents are Lisa and Jon. She lives in the country and she also lives on a farm. Well again she is my best friend. Well that is all! This was Taylor Mohr's costume for Halloween.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Learning Blog!!!
Hey this week I learned plural and singular possessive nouns. If it is a singular noun it needs an apostrophe s and if it is plural you just add an apostrophe. In math we are doing subtraction and addition. In spelling we are doing normal stuff and to be honest the words are really easy. In P.E. we are still throwing and catching. In music we still just sing songs. In art we are making these one things and right know we are rolling ink on them! Well, BYEBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Here are some facts about humans!
Well those are my facts! See ya!
- There is 60,000 miles of blood vessels in a human body.
- A human that is average blinks 25 times a minute.
- Concrete weighs less than your thigh bones.
- The tongue is the strongest muscle in your body.
- Humans are the only animals that cry and blush.
- A human heart beats 100,000 times a day.
- A person talks to themselves about 5,000 times a day.
- 80% of your brain is water.
- Every summer people loose 60% of their brain age.
- Your brain has huge oxygen needs.
Well those are my facts! See ya!
Monday, October 25, 2010
You want to know some things about softball. It is a fun sport! As a matter of fact it is my favorite sport. The funnest thing of softball is hitting and pitching. If you get three strikes when your hitting your out. A strike is when you try to hit it and you miss and when the ball goes over the plate in your rib area on your body. When you hit people try to hit it real hard and when you hit it hard it usually goes way back to the fence. Also When you hit it you run to first base and the person with the ball will try to throw it to the first base men and if the first base men catches it and the person is on the base you are out! When you are hitting it and the ball is not in the strike zone it is a ball. If the pitcher throws four balls you take your base or your pitcher pitches to you if you are in little league. Well again softball is really fun and you should go out for it! Well, Bye! Bye!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Vertebrates have backbones and brain cases. There is a lot of different kinds of vertebrates. To be exact there is 40,000 different kinds of vertebrates. There are eight different classes of vertebrates. Some of them are fish, mammals, lampreys, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Vertebrates have spines. Sharks have cartilage and that is like tissue that is waxy. Vertebrates usually have necks. Some don't. They also have chests. I like vertebrates cause I am one! Also they are cool cause i like dolphins. I also kinda like sharks. That is what I learned about vertebrates. Well that is all! BYE!!!!!!!!!
Learning Blog
Hi! What I learned in school this week is whether a statement is a fact or opinion. Seeing if words are irregular. In P.E. we are learning how to throw. We are also playing this game that you have to throw little things in a hula hoop and that game was fun!!!!! In art we are making nature things and they are turning out good! In music we are singing songs as usual. In math we are doing addition and subtraction and today we are doing math time tests and math probes. That is all! BYE!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This is a picture of a chocolate chip starfish!
Hi I am going to talk about starfish! Think that your walking on the beach and you see something! What is it? Well it is a starfish. Starfish come in different shapes and sizes! Cool right. It lives in the ocean but it isn't a real fish as you can see. It has tiny little gills on its body. Some look like stars so that is why they are called starfish. The arms of a starfish are called rays. The rays grow out of the middle and the middle of course is the body. The most rays you can have is twenty. The least is 5. There is a chocolate chip starfish and that is the one above. There is about 36 hundred different kinds of starfish. There is a small one and that is less than an inch! The biggest one is 3 foot long. Starfishes don't have any bones. Starfishes also don't have gills. Well that is really all! Byebye!
Hi I am going to talk about starfish! Think that your walking on the beach and you see something! What is it? Well it is a starfish. Starfish come in different shapes and sizes! Cool right. It lives in the ocean but it isn't a real fish as you can see. It has tiny little gills on its body. Some look like stars so that is why they are called starfish. The arms of a starfish are called rays. The rays grow out of the middle and the middle of course is the body. The most rays you can have is twenty. The least is 5. There is a chocolate chip starfish and that is the one above. There is about 36 hundred different kinds of starfish. There is a small one and that is less than an inch! The biggest one is 3 foot long. Starfishes don't have any bones. Starfishes also don't have gills. Well that is really all! Byebye!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Learning Blog
I learned that plural nouns end in an s. Singular nouns don't end in an s. In blogging I learned that there is a chocolate chip starfish and that they have little gills on their body. In math we learned how to do elapsed time and regular time. In reading we had to make inferences. We did this clue,clue,clue,inference paper and that was sort of hard. We had to come up with clues and then an inference. In tiger time we did word ladders and we went up to the computer lab and did reading
skills tutor for tiger time.The last thing that I learned is that 33 minors got stuck underground. They were a half mile underground. That is deep! Well that is really all Byebye!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Praying Mantises
Here are some facts about praying mantises. The mantis uses its front legs to grab food. There are some sharp things on the mantises legs. Mantises have big eyes that help them see. They can also turn their head to see behind their shoulders. If you walk behind a mantis it will turn its head. They are mean hunters. They attack a lot of flying things.They also eat mice and and little birds. They don't eat ants even if they are hungry! Mantises live on plants that are green and if they live on green plants the mantises are green. If they are gray they live on gray tree bark.The other ones live in pink flowers and of course they are pink! Back rounds help mantises because they can hide and then snatch there pray! Well I like mantises because they seem really cool and they probably look cool to. Well that is really all I have to say!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Do you think a snail and octopus are alike? They don't really look alike. But they are both mollusks. They are a very large group of animals. They are soft bodied animals.They live in water or on land.Some have shells that protect their bodies. Octopuses don't have shells. Most mollusks have a head and feet. People eat mollusks. Wouldn't that be gross! Well I wish i saw a mollusk! That's really all!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Stinging Celled Animals
HI!!!!!! I am going to talk about stinging celled animals as you can see! Have you ever saw a jellyfish wash up on shore of the sea? Well if you live by the sea you probably saw so much and you probably know so much about them to! People who do live by the ocean know so much about them and see them so much they don't bother them that much. If you know jellyfish have very painful stings. All the things that are related to jellyfish are hydra,sea anemones,and coral. Stinging-celled animals of course live in the water. They are simple invertebrates. They only have one opening and that is a mouth.Tentacles surround the mouth. The tentacles take in food!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
joke of the day!
Here is a joke for you I got a Laffy Taffy and there was a joke! Here it is. How many feet are in a yard? Think about it before you look at the answer. OK!!!!!!!!!!!! The answer below!

(the answer is it depends how many people are standing in it!)
(the answer is it depends how many people are standing in it!)
sponges in the ocean
Hi I am going to talk to you about sponges.The sponges I am going to talk about are real live sponges.They are usually found on rocks or other things on the ocean floor.They don't move around because their bodies don't have definite shapes.Sponges have holes or pores and the holes or pores carry water throughout their bodies.Water comes in at the pore and comes out of the top of the sponge.The water contains food and oxygen for the cells.The weird thing is if something gets cut off it will grow back.It is called regeneration.Animals that have simple body parts can regenerate.Sponges sound cool and I wish I lived close to an ocean!!!!!!!!That's all and GOODBYE!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I am Carly Loew and I am going to talk to you about seesaws.They are very fun and you can go up and down and up and down.It is very easy to go up and down on a seesaw.It is easy to ride on because it is a good model of a lever.A lever helps you lift things.A seesaw usually only works when two people are the same weight.If they are not the same weight the bigger person should scoot to the middle so it is balanced.Balanced means to make two sides equal.Well seesaws are very fun and i love to ride them and i wish i had one in my backyard or have a park close to me so i could go on them all the time!They are important to me because when i was a little girl i went on them all the time and i still do!that is really all!
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